Giga Borg

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Giga Borg
Giga Borg.png
Overworld Wobbly Octobot Overworld.png
HP 1749
PP 761
Attack 482
Defense 174
IQ 386
Speed 311
EXP 24
Money $33
Item Drops Brain food lunch (8%)
Locations Moon Base
Zarbol's Scan info "Giga Borg" HP 2180
He only has PK Beam. The medieval weaponry is there for show. Vulnerable to electricity.
Relatives Omega Borg
Space Buccaneer
Space Pirate

Giga Borgs are enemies encountered in the Moon Base.

Text Effect
Beam Does low-level damage to one party member.
PK Beam Σ Does high-level damage to one party member, beams them, and may instantly KO them.
PK Beam Ω Does high-level damage to all party members and beams them.