Atomic Power Robot

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Atomic Power Robot
Atomic Power Robot.png
Overworld Wobbly Octobot Overworld.png
HP 665
PP 50
Attack 155
Defense 80
IQ 15
Speed 165
EXP 12
Money $28
Item Drops Atomic combustor (10%)
Locations Mars
Mars Lab
Neptune Starman Base
Polar Cap
Zarbol's Scan info "Atomic Power Robot" HP 665
It sometimes explodes violently when defeated. However, it would rather recharge its allies. Vulnerable to electricity and physical attack.

The Atomic Power Robot is an enemy encountered as part of the Starman Shipping Crew boss fight in the Neptune Starman Base, alongside a Ghost of Starman and two Blue Starmen. When defeated, it explodes into bits, doing high-level damage to all party members.

Later, Atomic Power Robots appear as enemies throughout Mars during Chapter 5.

Text Effect
Replenish fuel Restores 100 HP to one enemy.
Rip and tear Does mid-level damage to one party member.