Eye in the Sky

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Eye in the Sky
Eye in the Sky.png
Overworld Frozen Spirit Overworld.png
HP 1524
PP 559
Attack 235
Defense 426
IQ 228
Speed 285
Money $32[1]
Item Drops Horn of life (10%)
Locations Thunderton City
Zarbol's Scan info "Eye in the Sky" HP ???
Who sent it and why? Where do the pictures go? So many questions.

Eyes in the Sky are rare enemies encountered in Thunderton City during Chapter 7.

Text Effect
Crash Boom Bang Does high-level damage to one party member.
Fear of Government Makes one party member numb.
Gas canister Makes all party members nauseous, fall asleep, start coughing, start crying, feel strange, or poisons them.
Sparks Does low-level damage to all party members.
Spin in circles Increases Speed by 3.
Taking Pictures Does nothing.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. $10 is obtained after the battle.