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Overworld Short Circuit Crash Overworld.png
HP 1100
PP 290
Attack 270
Defense 85
IQ 295
Speed 260
EXP 20
Money $29
Item Drops Star pendant (1%)
Locations Satralia Canyons
Zarbol's Scan info "Flashzapbang" HP 1100
Its existence is a natural result of the crumbling landscape it inhabits. Vulnerable to Freeze and Fire.
Relatives Short Circuit Crash

Flashzapbangs are enemies found in the Satralia Canyons during Chapter 7.

Text Effect
Crash Boom Bang Does high-level damage to one party member.
PK Flash α Makes one party member dumb, start crying, feel strange, numb, nauseous, or instantly KOs them.
PK Flash Ω Makes all party members dumb, start crying, feel strange, or instantly KOs them.
PK Thunder Does high-level damage to one party member.