Grouchy Trash Mook

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Grouchy Trash Mook
Grouchy Trash Mook.png
Overworld Grouchy Trash Mook Overworld.png
HP 105
PP 40
Attack 27
Defense 50
IQ 18
Speed 37
EXP 10
Money $14
Item Drops Red bow (40%)
Locations Elmadan's mansion
Zarbol's Scan info "Grouchy Trash Mook" HP 105
Sataene's secret police. He hides away and ambushes lawbreakers. Vulnerable to Hypnosis.
Relatives Elmadan
Lesser Mook
Mook Senior
Plain Ol' Mook

Grouchy Trash Mooks are enemies found throughout Sataene during Chapter 1. They normally appear as inanimate garbage cans, but if Alinivar and Col. Saturn are carrying or wearing bows of any kind, they attack. They later appear in Elmadan's mansion, where they're always hostile regardless of the party's inventory.

Text Effect
Burp Makes one party member nauseous.
Fear of Government Makes one party member numb.
PK Fire α Does low-level damage to all party members.
PK Freeze α Does low-level damage to one party member.