List of items

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Name Description
AA battery A standard rechargable battery. Maybe for UFOs.
Air Guitar Don't set it down, or you'll never find it again.
Alien mask An alien mask to cover your human mask to ... etc.
Amorphous orbs Protective and blobby, could be used on eyestalks.
Ancient thingadoodle Dr. Yooghurt would be interested in this.
Ancient whatsit Dr. Yooghurt would be interested in this.
Apple of Autumn Now silent, it glows with a calming golden light.
Apple of Clarity A lesser Apple, it can enhance all your abilities.
Apple of Summer Now silent, it glows with a calming golden light.
Apple of Winter Now silent, it glows with a calming golden light.
Atomic combustor Items for UFO. Throw it to attack all enemies.
Azure bow Has a blue flame pattern. Protects against cold.
Badges and ribbons[1] Col. Saturn's war stuff. No idea what it means.
Bagged eraser Don't point this near a grocery store.
Balloon grenade Items for UFO. Throw it to attack all enemies.
Ballpeen hammer Now why would aliens have any use for this?
Base keycard This will open up the Starman base on Jupiter.
Beam Starman's basic beam attack.
Beam UFO's built-in beam for self defense.
Big robot six pack A Starman attachment. Get down wit yo bad self.
Bludgeoning goat It's like a battering ram, but not as big...
Blue laser Has a commando insignia. Use by Starmen or UFOs.
Boom bomb Items for UFO. Throw it to attack all enemies.
Borange guards Tentacle guards in a Fobby color.
Braggart's coin For those who win battles they're not supposed to.
Brain food lunch When eaten, you recover about 300 HP and 50 PP.
Brass tentaknuckles These are dangerous looking and made of metal.
Briefcase It's got a big lock on it. I wonder what's inside?
Bright stalk guards These are bright orange and hard to miss.
Broken gewgaw Has a gem-shaped slot and a gun barrel...
Buzzin' crowdbuster Looks like a something-in-the-box with a crank.
Cactus fruit Heals 100 HP.
Cannon assembly Find someone to install this on the ship.
Can of fish food Flaky and...delicious? Can be used multiple times.
Can of fruit juice Restores about 30 PP.
Cast iron UFO body Plain and a bit boring.
Chronoray A beam for Starmen with 1.21 gigawatts of output.
Clean coin Prevents poison and nausea.
Cloud fluff Not all clouds are fluffy enough. Restores 40 PP.
Coin of defense This useful item can protect almost anyone.
Coin of everything A little of everything, but not a lot.
Consideration Restores about 40 PP to all allies.
Coral UFO body Many status problems just bounce right off.
Cowboy peashooter A better one-handed gun. Yeeeeehaw! 2X
Cray-Z Fries Restores about 65 HP and a little PP.
Cray-Z Sammich Restores about 100 HP and a little PP.
Crazy beam Fast and can cause 'strange'. Use by UFOs only.
Cup of Lifenoodles Revives a friend under any ailment.
Cureall cream Cures any status problem except KO.
Deadly semiauto A huge yet one handed gun. Gets extra Smaaash! 2X
Delicious cake Heals 120 HP. Truth, I promise.
Diagonal thrusters Find someone to install this on the ship.
Docking pass This will let you bypass a ship's forcefield.
Double beam Two shots for the price of one.
Dust launcher Causes coughing fits to targets. 2X
Dusty cassette Not a record, so you don't know how to use it.
Earth pendant Somewhat blocks fire, ice, flash, and electric.
Efficient spacemotor Find someone to install this on the ship.
Energy projector Find someone to install this on the ship.
Evasion thrusters Attachment for a mobile, less defensive Starman.
Eye coin It's cute and watching. Resists crying.
Eye stalk guards They're yellow and ugly, but protective.
Feet[1] Mr. Saturn's fuzzy feet.
Fire in a jar It's fire... in a jar. Let it out to cause havoc.
Firework gun Uses pyrotechnics to hit all enemies. 2X
Fishbone guitar Made of real fish bones, but it's not a bass.
Flame pendant A necklace which provides resistance to fire.
Flamethrower A controversial replacement for beams.
Flashporter engine Equippable engine for Starmen. Push Shift to warp.
Folding wallet Stores your Earth money. They're made of paper!
Freezethrower A controversial replacement for flamethrowers.
Fuzzy frog A fake frog that allows for saving anywhere.
Gas canister Items for UFO. Releases all kinds of gas.
Gold stone A stone of gold. What did you expect? A walrus?
Grabby robot arms Useful for giving UFOs a little extra utility.
Green gem Makes you think of Earth and a bat-wielding boy.
Green gembloom Heals 30 HP and counters poison and nausea.
Green laser Nature-powered. Use by Starmen, UFO, hippy. Fast
Green paste Heals 60 HP and counters poison and nausea.
Gross purple fungus Eww. This could make anyone sick.
Guardthought pill Temporarily protects an ally from attack, but...
Gummi blob Heals 50 HP.
Hamburger Restores about 120 HP.
Hand cannon Shamblers like this, but Mooks don't. 2X
Hero shirt[1] Earth clothing. One stripe adorns the middle.
Horn of life Returns one friend to full health.
Intelliskull An upper body mod for Starmen. Increases IQ.
Junked UFO body The last one from storage. Pretty bad condition.
Lake water Heals 15 PP.
Laser charger Upgrade for UFO. Adds the ability to charge.
Lifesupport computer A large piece of spaceship equipment.
Lightning tosser Anyone can carry this heavy weapon. Causes crying.
Loony Tune A guitar with a pattern that makes your mind hurt.
Magicant guitar Visibly almost identical to the Mr. Guitar...
Magic mushroom Illegal on several planets. Toss at an enemy...?
Magnifier An attachment for beams. Concentrates the ray.
Mayhem beam Misses often, but when it hits...? Use by UFO.
Mayhem shotgun It's double barreled and causes a lot of havoc.
Metal bow This is not a projectile weapon.
Meteotite A shining shard of condensed space mineral.
Mobster semiauto It'll make you an offer you can't refuse. 2X
Moonmetal engine A Starman engine made of a light but weak ore.
Morph-Gold lower Heavy and shiny Starman body model. Resists fire.
Morph-Gold upper Heavy and shiny Starman body model. Resists beams.
Morph-iron bow Shiny like a Starman. Resists "Beamed".
Morph-Iron lower Basic Starman body model of malleable metal.
Morph-Iron upper Basic Starman body model of malleable metal.
Morph-Shine lower Starman body made out of shinestone.
Morph-Shine upper Starman body made out of shinestone.
Morph-Star lower Starman condensed stardust body. Resists 'dumb'
Morph-Star upper Starman condensed stardust body. Resists 'strange'
Morph-Steel lower Upgraded Starman body model of malleable metal.
Morph-Steel upper Upgraded Starman body model of malleable metal.
Morph-Titanium lower Upgraded Starman body model of malleable metal.
Morph-Titanium upper Upgraded Starman body model of malleable metal.
Mr. Guitar It's got a bow on top, of course.
Mr. Scrunchy Why use a scrunchy on one antenna? Don't ask me.
Multi bottle rocket UFO item. Has a massive warhead for lots of damage
Mushroom blaster Nasty shrooms come out the end... 2X
Nanobot backpack An attachment which heals injury in combat. Bulky.
Nanobot engine An engine for Starmen. Heals injury in combat.
Nanobot injection Fully repairs a Starman, but takes time to work.
Napalm launcher Could install onto a UFO.
Navigation system Another large piece of spaceship equipment.
Needler Electric alien weapon. UFO or Mr. Saturn. 2X
Night pendant A necklace resists PK Flash and related effects.
Ninja bandanna Made for Mr. Saturn, but fairly versatile.
Obligatory shotgun Well, it's a shotgun... pump action and all that.
Old booze bottle Heals about 60 PP, but also...?
Peanut cheese bar Heals 30 HP.
Permafreeze UFO body Resists ice, and won't melt even under PSI Fire.
PK Beam β disc Downloads PK Beam β to a Starman's memory.
PK Beam Ω disc Downloads PK Beam Ω to a Starman's memory.
PK Fire α disc Downloads PK Fire α to a Starman's memory.
PK Fire β disc Downloads PK Fire β to a Starman's memory.
PK Fire γ disc Downloads PK Fire γ to a Starman's memory.
PK Fire Ω disc Downloads PK Fire Ω to a Starman's memory.
Plain coin It's rather boring.
Pliable vines Try wrapping them around your tentacles. Warm!
Porta-cannon So huge it can sometimes crush an enemy instantly.
PSI blocker A Starman attachment that provides PSI resistance.
Psionic gold herb Illegal on several planets. Heals about 60 PP.
PSI Stone Restores about 15 PP. Somewhat reusable.
Pulse rifle Hits twice using electricity. Use by Starmen only.
Radar bow It has many bionic enhancements built in.
Reboot orb Instructions: Press up against a bad computer.
Record (blue) "Radio Satralia"
Record (grey) "Otherworldly Foe"
Record (olive) "UFO Delivery Service"
Record (purple) "Groove like Fourside"
Record (purple LP) "To the Future" and "Youth"
Record (red) "Battle for the Point"
Record (teal) "Fringes of Hope"
Record (yellow) "Alien Arrival"
Red bow Not for a Mook...
Red cap[1] Only someone special can wear it. Prevents Insane.
Red gem Makes you think of Mars and a boy with glasses.
Red gembloom The Mr. Saturns' panacea. Fully heals Mr. Saturns.
Red tentacle ribbons They resemble Mr. Saturn bows. Stop Dan!
Regret Use this to attack an enemy.
Robo-punch Could install onto a UFO.
Robot rockets Use by Starman. Slow, but powerful.
Rock shell Resists physical attack. For UFOs or Starmen.
Rusty revolver Apparently a war trophy. Not very useful. 2X
Salty Lemonade Restores about 30 PP.
Scrap metal A broken hunk of junk that could be refashioned.
Secret ray gun Looks like a normal handgun but shoots beams. 2X
Shades If looking awesome was a stat it would give +10.
Sharp pointy thing It's metal and sharp, with a dull part on one end?
Shell straws Made of shell material. Useful for a Mook.
Shinestone A large chunk of a mineral native to Jupiter.
Shinestone shotgun Shinestone plated, double barreled. Beastly!
Shinestone UFO body Shinestone is a natural Jupiter rock growth.
Shiny coin Plain but polished. Everyone loves shiny things.
Shiny red bow SPARKLY.png
Shreddin' six string Made of metal, made for metal. Meedly meedly moww.
Shroomshot rifle Fast and can cause many status problems.
Slab Slammer Axe Guitar of hard rock. Col. Saturn dislikes this.
Sleep mode disc Downloads sleep mode to a Starman's memory.
Sludge sprayer Unlimited items for UFO. Slows down enemies.
Snow-Cone Restores 120 HP. It's blue raspberry flavored.
Space dust Can be ingested to restore about 10% of max PP.
Space rock It's a shiny yet rough space rock.
Spaceship fuel This is important for any space travel.
Sparkling juice Heals 40 PP.
Speedy popper Weak, but lets the holder always move first. 2X
Spread beam A beam that fires widely.
Star Pendant Protects you from fire, ice, flash, and electric.
Steel UFO body Beats iron, but nothing special.
Super fixer nanobots A spray that restores HP to 100% for anyone.
Super oil can Heals 35% of Starman's PP. Best used before 201X.
Tentacle bands Cloth to protect your tentacles.
Tentacles[1] It's a Mook's tentacles.
Tesla cannon A huge weapon for Starmen, fueled by their PSI.
Town map Earth towns only. View the map by pressing Shift.
UFO flame paint Painting flames on anything makes it go faster.
Ugh stew No one in their right mind would want to eat this.
Unity Star It pulsates with a mysterious psychic energy.
Vulnerability spray Reduces an enemy's PSI resist. Lasts a few uses.
Warm scarf A Mook could use this to keep the eye stalks warm.
Yellow gem Makes you think of Jupiter and a girl with a hat.
Yellow shroom cap It lets out a puff of noxious spores when thrown.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Automatically equipped, can't be placed in your inventory.