Master Magnolia

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Master Magnolia
Master Magnolia.png
Overworld Master Magnolia Overworld.png
HP 12000
PP 9999
Attack 452
Defense 277
IQ 456
Speed 412
Money $0
Locations Mothership
Zarbol's Scan info "Master Magnolia" HP ???
The ultimate overlord of flowers and trees. While he's in the ship's computer, he's almost invincible to physical attack.
Relatives Armful
Swanky Seedpod

Master Magnolia is the boss of the abandoned Mothership during Chapter 7. After taking enough damage, he enters phase 2 of the fight.

Text Effect
Branches Does mid-level damage to all party members and makes them numb.
Magic Mushroom Makes one party member dumb or feel strange.
Needles Does high-level damage to one party member.
PK Flash α Makes one party member dumb, start crying, feel strange, numb, nauseous, or instantly KOs them.
Prickly Vine Death Does mid-level damage to one party member and wraps them.

Master Magnolia (Phase 2)[edit | edit source]

Master Magnolia
Master Magnolia2.png
Overworld Master Magnolia Overworld.png
HP 12000
PP 9999
Attack 489
Defense 205
IQ 475
Speed 446
EXP 101
Money $101
Item Drops PK Beam Ω disc (100%)
Locations Mothership
Zarbol's Scan info "Master Magnolia" HP ???
The ultimate overlord of flowers and trees. While he's in the ship's computer, he's almost invincible to physical attack.
Relatives Armful
Swanky Seedpod

After being defeated in his second form, Master Magnolia explodes into bits, doing high-level damage to all party members.

Text Effect
Branches Does mid-level damage to all party members and makes them numb.
Leaf Torrent Does mid-level damage to all party members and makes them start coughing, numb, or nauseous.
Menacing smile Does nothing.
Needles Does high-level damage to one party member.
Prickly Vine Death Does mid-level damage to one party member and wraps them.
PSI Lifeup Ω Restores 150 HP to all enemies.
Seedling Sprout Summons six Armfuls.