Sir Sniffle

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Sir Sniffle
Sir Sniffle.png
Overworld Sir Sniffle Overworld.png
HP 2600
PP 200
Attack 270
Defense 95
IQ 190
Speed 230
EXP 48
Money $0[1]
Item Drops PSI Stone (100%)
Locations Bridge
Zarbol's Scan info "Sir Sniffle" HP ???
He doesn't just have a stuffy nose. It will never, ever stop coming. The stuffy nose has HIM.

Sir Sniffle is a boss found on the Bridge between Thunderton City and Cloudvale.

Text Effect
Fling Does low-level damage to one party member and makes them sticky.
PK Thunder Does high-level damage to one party member.
Splat! Makes all party members numb, nauseous, or sticky.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. $15 is obtained after the battle.