Son of Meltdude

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Son of Meltdude
Son of Meltdude.png
Overworld Point of Power.png
HP 540
PP 110
Attack 66
Defense 63
IQ 52
Speed 115
EXP 25
Money $43
Locations Crystal Cavern
Zarbol's Scan info "Son o' Meltdude" HP ???
The guardian of the third Point of Power. Its predecessor created the crystal caves, and it feels like it can never measure up.
Also known as Son o' Meltdude

Son of Meltdude is the guardian of the third Point of Power, the Crystal Cavern.

Text Effect
Call for help Summons two Minerali.
PK Beam α Does low-level damage to one party member and beams them.
PK Beam β Does mid-level damage to one party member and beams them.
PK Freeze α Does low-level damage to one party member.
PSI Magnet β Drains 15 PP from one party member.