Unneeded Protoplasm

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Unneeded Protoplasm
Unneeded Protoplasm.png
Overworld Unneeded Protoplasm Overworld.png
HP 36
PP 4
Attack 16
Defense 4
IQ 5
Speed 13
Money $2
Item Drops Gummi blob (5%)
Green gembloom (overworld)
Ugh stew (overworld)
Locations Satralia Canyons
Satralia Tower
Zarbol's Scan info "Unneeded Protoplasm" HP 36
Its daily life is a struggle to avoid being stepped on or thrown away. Vulnerable to Freeze and Hypnosis.

Unneeded Protoplasms are enemies encountered throughout Satralia during Chapter 1.

Text Effect
Advance slowly Does nothing.
Call for help Summons an Unneeded Protoplasm.
Charge Does low-level damage to one party member.
Unidentifiable Goo Does low-level damage to one party member.