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Overworld Hurriedcane Overworld.png
HP 596
PP 80
Attack 148
Defense 35
IQ 48
Speed 195
Money $71
Item Drops Spaceship fuel (20%)
Locations Neptune
Zarbol's Scan info "Hurriedcane" HP 596
It'll knock your lights out for days. Saves its strongest PSI for later. Vulnerable to beams.
Also known as Hurriedcane Alfred
Hurriedcane Bruce
Hurriedcane Callie
Hurriedcane Dave
Hurriedcane Edmond
Hurriedcane Fargo
Hurriedcane Gonzales
Hurriedcane Hussie
Hurriedcane Iris
Hurriedcane Joules
Hurriedcane Kelvin
Hurriedcane Lucy
Hurriedcane Mario
Hurriedcane Norman
Hurriedcane Oliver
Hurriedcane Penny
Hurriedcane Quark
Hurriedcane Roxy
Hurriedcane Steve
Hurriedcane Tina
Hurriedcane Uma
Hurriedcane Van
Hurriedcane Wednesday
Hurriedcane Xander
Hurriedcane Yog-sothoth
Hurriedcane Zippity-zop

Hurriedcanes are enemies encountered on Neptune. Each Hurriedcane encountered is assigned a name, starting with "Alfred" and going down the alphabet until "Zippity-zop" (prompting the game to ask "Seriously, you've fought 26 of these guys...?"). After encountering Hurriedcane Zippity-zop, the cycle restarts.

Text Effect
PK Freeze β Does mid-level damage to one party member.
PK Gust α Does low-level damage to one party member and makes them dizzy.
PK Gust Σ Does low-level damage to all party members and makes them dizzy.
Rip and tear Does mid-level damage to one party member.
Steam Does low-level damage to one party member and makes them start coughing.