Li'l Sludgie

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Li'l Sludgie
Li'l Sludgie.png
Overworld Whatsit in a Hole Overworld.png
HP 951
PP 300
Attack 275
Defense 88
IQ 260
Speed 274
EXP 11
Money $0[1]
Item Drops Ugh stew (15%)
Locations Thunderton City
Zarbol's Scan info "Li'l Sludgie" HP 951
Peeeeee-eeeew! No one will ever find it in their heart to love Li'l Sludgie. Vulnerable to Freeze and Fire.
Relatives Yuck

Li'l Sludgies are enemies encountered in Thunderton City during Chapter 7. They hide in manholes on the overworld, and attack when approached.

Text Effect
Call for help Summons a Li'l Sludgie.
Fling Does low-level damage to one party member and makes them sticky.
Magic Mushroom Makes one party member dumb or feel strange.
PSI Hypnosis Ω Makes all party members fall asleep.
Splat! Makes all party members numb, nauseous, or sticky.
Stinky gas Makes all party members start crying, dumb, or nauseous.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. $3 is obtained after the battle, or $5 if they appear with a Gregorio.