Major Psychic Psycho

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Major Psychic Psycho
Major Psychic Psycho.png
Overworld Burnflake Overworld.png
HP 1212
PP 574
Attack 210
Defense 96
IQ 256
Speed 260
EXP 18
Money $28
Item Drops Star pendant (1%)
Locations Onett
Zarbol's Scan info "Major Psychic Psycho" HP 1212
He had PSI powers even before being influenced by a bizarre, alien insanity. No major weaknesses.
Relatives Psychic Psycho
Unpsychic Psycho

Major Psychic Psychos are enemies found in Onett during Chapter 7.

Text Effect
Out of PP Increases IQ by 1.
PK Fire β Does mid-level damage to all party members.
PK Fire γ Does high-level damage to all party members.
PSI Hypnosis α Makes one party member fall asleep.
Shield Σ Shields all enemies for 6 turns.