Radical Snowbro

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Radical Snowbro
Radical Snowbro.png
Overworld Radical Snowbro Overworld.png
HP 1474
PP 230
Attack 255
Defense 89
IQ 326
Speed 317
Money $21[1]
Item Drops Cloud fluff (10%)
Locations Mt. Pluto
Zarbol's Scan info "Radical Snowbro" HP 1474
This guy is worth five of the littler ones. He's arrogant because it goes to his head. Vulnerable to Fire, beams, and attacks.
Relatives Flakey Freezer

Radical Snowbros are enemies encountered on Mt. Pluto.

Text Effect
Acid Snow Attack Does high-level damage to all party members and makes them numb.
PK Freeze γ Does high-level damage to one party member and makes them numb.
PSI Magnet β Drains 15 PP from one party member.
Spinny Whirly Attack Does mid-level damage to one party member and makes them numb or slow.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. 5 Snow Spirits are obtained after the battle.